Vampire Hunters

In the interest of useless trivia I discovered tonight that the music to the Demolition Man trailer is from the Dracula soundtrack composed by Wojciech Kilar. The track is Vampire Hunters and is quite a dark anthem.

In a seemingly related note I was told today that I was the geekiest person that someone knew. I dispute this but really have nothing substantial to refute this claim with.

That being said I did score 45% on the geek test - this does not really put me in the scale of uber-geeks.

Sarah has also challenged me to put up my picture of our visit to the Star Trek exhibit at the Las Vegas Hilton (this qualifies I'm sure for something). I honestly like my picture with the Mark V torpedo as it has more historical significance in the Star Trek universe.

Note that Sarah is standing next to the Klingon.

One thing to remember from this visit is that they take pictures halfway through the tour. At the end they merge your picture into a Star Trek scene. I don't remember what my expression was but it sure was funny merged into the TOS bridge scene.

Comments (18)

For those seeking more detail. Jeff knows more Klingon than any one else in my 1st degree of separation. His StarWars lore isn't too bad either.

Posted almost 19 years ago

After I told Jeff that he is possibly the biggest geek I know, he tried to say that Chris was. Then the two of them went on to argue about who was geekier. Jeff tried to bring up Chris's (old) love of Dungeons and Dragons as well as his ability to speak Elvish. Chris countered with Jeff's linguistic skills speaking Klingon. I added that Jeff tried to display these skills live when we went to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas. There's a picture, but I am not sure if Jeff is bold enough to display it.

Posted almost 19 years ago

Really? Jeff tried to talk Klingon to the actors in Vegas? LOL - I'm sure they were very impressed.

Posted almost 19 years ago

Allow me to clarify.

Posted almost 19 years ago


Posted almost 19 years ago

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